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Between yesterday and tomorrow -
Galtür - Marienberg

The special exhibition "Between Yesterday and Tomorrow" is part of the collaborative project with the Alpinarium Galtür, within the framework of the Euregio Museums Year 2025 "500 Years of the Peasants' Wars in Tyrol - Looking Beyond." Marienberg owned parts of the Paznaun Valley for centuries, including Galtür. The farmers had to carry the feudal rent on a strenuous foot journey to Marienberg, along the so-called "Zinsweg" from Galtür to Marienberg.
In addition to the Zinsweg, the exhibition offers insights into the 15th and 16th centuries – a time of change, upheaval, and also poverty. From this, we draw a connection to the present, which is undergoing a similar transformation due to the digitalisation, climate change... Back to all exhibitions
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